This is the second part of Valentine's photos. We took pictures with my darling to the St. Valentine's contest on Lookbook. But it was also a bit of my Valentine's gift!
Toto je druhá časť Valentínskych fotiek. Nafotili sme ich s mojim miláčikom do Valentínskej súťaže na LookBooku. Ale bol to tak trochu aj môj Valentínsky darček!
In the first part I showed you pictures aimed at me. These are the photos aimed at my love. So this is He. We are together a few years and we have already experienced anything. One thing still applies. I love him so than at the beginning, if not more :)
V prevej časti som vám ukázala fotky zamerané na mňa. Toto sú fotky zamerané na moju lásku. Tak toto je on. Sme spolu pár rokov a zažili sme si už hocičo. Jedna vec však platí stále. Milujem ho tak ako na začiatku, ak nie viac :)
These photos are so cinematic and beautifully taken. Have a great and productive week ahead!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťthis shooting is fabulous,beautiful pics!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI posted a new article, I'd love to know your opinion
would you like to pass from my blog?
Very sweet post idea!
hello dear. you have very nice blog. I love it <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťtell me what about follow each other, I always follow back so let me know (>‿♥)
xoxo from Spain
What can i say honey..such a beautiful couple!;)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThanks for sharing your opinion on my last post.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťPáni, moc hezké ;) A sladké ikdyž já Valentýna neřeším, chápu, že je to možnost pro to mít tématicky zaměřené fotky :)