We experienced really a lot together. We´ve experienced a lot of adventure ...
Zažili sme si toho spolu naozaj veľa. Prežili sme kopu dobrodružstva ...
We lived to the fullest! It was fun, but sometimes it was really dangerous :) We weren´t the only one that escaped through the fence. Sometimes everyone doing forbidden things. And it wasn´t the first time we've scraped through the gate, but it happened to me fate that evening. Not caught us. She escaped, but I was worse this time. Hole, which has made a sharp spike on the gate into me, that's not just so sew up. Again I had to worry about my destiny.
I didn´t know it, but I'm not the only one who will have a hole in myself!
Žili sme naplno! Bola to zábava, ale občas to bolo naozaj nebezpečné:) Neboli sme jediný čo zdrhali cez plot, každý občas robí zakázané veci. A nebolo to prvý raz, čo sme preliezali bránu, ale v ten večer sa mi to stalo osudným. Nie nechytili nás. Ona unikla, ale ja som si to tentokrát odniesol. Diera, ktorú do mňa urobil ostrí špic na bráne sa už nebude len tak dať zašiť. Znova som sa musel báť o svoj osud.
To som ale netušil, že nie som sám, kto bude mať v sebe dieru!
beanie: N/A / coat, boots, sweater: vintage / fur collar: 2nd hand / jeans: House / tee: Foxy Green remake
great post dear.love the second picture
OdpovedaťOdstrániťhave a lovely week
Great post. Following you gfc. You can follow me back if you have not yet.
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These are such fun photos, you look terrific! Hope you have a great and productive week ahead hun!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYou look amazing!;DD
Such amazing photos, honey! These are really good! I love the second one! Funny:D