Read in the Garden

Books and nature are two things that can transfer me to another world. The world of fantasy to another space or another time. Joining the two is like to sail on the ship of imagination and can do anything and be anywhere!

Knihy a príroda sú dve veci, ktoré ma dokážu preniesť do iného sveta. Do sveta fantázie, do iného priestoru či iného času. Spojením oboch je to ako plaviť sa na lodi fantázie a môcť urobiť čokoľvek a byť kdekoľvek!

Although the garden was cold, it was no wind. I sat in a chair under my favorite tree, I took on the neck warm fur collar and dipped into the world of fairy tales.
(books on this picture: Herrman Hesse - Tales) - If you want, I'll write you something about this book (a small review), so write me in the comments and I will go about it :)

Aj keď v záhrade bolo chladno, bolo bezvetrie. Sadla som si na stoličku pod svoj obľúbený strom, na krk si vzala teplý kožušinový límec a ponorila sa do sveta rozprávok.
(kniha na fotke: Herrmany Hesse - Rozprávky) - ak chcete, napíšem vám niečo o tejto knihe (malú recenziu), napíšte mi do komentárov a ja sa to toho pustím :)

baret,tee: N/A, coat, velvet dress: 2nd hand / fur collar: vintage / boots: MT Shoes

8 komentárov:

  1. very nice look..

  2. this seem like a very inspirational look!

  3. Great post! Lovely pics)
    would you like to follow each other?Let me know!

  4. amazing photos!!! i love them ;)
    i would love to follow each other because I really love your blog!!
    kisses pretty

  5. Awesome photos! Nice blog! I follow you on GFC! If you think, follow me!
