The first before-bday articles is here. For 15 days my blog will be one year, during which time it has happened enough. I like the changes, but also I enjoy to look back and remember. As I changed this year? This is particularly visible on my hair - it's all me if something changes in my life seen it on the hair: D
SK: Prvý z prednarodeninových článkov je tu. Za 15 dní bude mať môj blog 1 rok a zaten čas sa toho odohralo dosť. Mám rada zmeny, ale tiež ma baví obzerať sa a spomínať. Ako som sa menila tento rok ja? Najviac je to vidno asi na mojich vlasoch - to som celá ja ak sa niečo zmení v mojom živote vidno to na vlasoch :D
one year ago I was blond |
then I went more naturally |
and a little yellow |
One of my major changes, red + bangs |
somethimes I curled my hair |
sometimes bouffant |
then there was the ginger |
the biggest change of the year - hair go down |
dark red colour |
And now I'm waiting when the hair grows again |
Another blog bday article tomorrow :)
Neverím, v toľkých farbách ti to pristane. :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťi like you better now. i kind of don't like blonde hair!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTy si ako chameleón :D Každopádne u mňa vyhrávajú červené a dlhé ;)