Yes, it´s nice to fulfill a dream. There are also those which fail to fulfill even one. Since some time already belong to them. The longer I wait for my dream come true, the better is its own fulfillment. And I am an example.
After 14 long years of waiting, I underwent and One of my dreams (I have a lot of them, perhaps more than others) come true. It was like a daydream (but I do routinely) only more real :)
Áno, je krásne splniť si sen. Sú aj taký, ktorým sa nepodarí splniť si ani jeden. Od istej doby k nim už ale nepatrím. Čím dlhšie človek na ten svoj splnený sen čaká, tým lepšie je jeho samotné splnenie. A ja som toho príkladom.
Po dlhých 14 rokoch čakania som sa dočkala a jeden z mojich snov (mám ich veľa, možno viac ako ostatný) sa splnil. Bolo to ako snívať s otvorenými očami (ale to robím bežne), lenže ozajstnejšie :).

This says inscription on my shirt, ready to right for this occasion. Says out of my soul. It is six o'clock in the morning and I strung myself these words and much further layers, because it is very cold. I walk into the darkness for my dreams. Direction train station!
Toto hovorí nápis na mojom tričku pripravený práve na túto príležitosť. Hovorí mi z duše.
Je šesť hodín ráno a ja na seba navliekam tieto slová a ešte veľa ďalších vrstiev, pretože je dosť chladno. Vyrážam do tmy za svojim snom. Smer vlaková stanica!
Photos from a train:
Fotky z vlaku:
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with my friend |
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me / in the big mirror |
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Two stages of boredom: calm and crazy |
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and more crazy? |
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Ready to step |
And I'm here in Prague. Sometimes I feel like in another world and sometimes at home (I have not so far, and the language is almost the same as ours, so I understand everything).
Some tourist photos: D:
A som tu v Prahe. Občas sa cítim ako v inom svete a občas zasa ako doma (nemám to predsa az tak ďaleko a aj jazyk je takmer rovnaký ako náš, takže rozumiem všetko).
Nejaké turistické fotky :D (aby sa nepovedalo):
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normal tourist? NO still crazy :D |
Along the way, we were really hungry, so we have found, tavern, right there in Lucerna and we eat well. Of course not miss the wine. Remembering old times and also a reminder of the new future, as we just waited.
Po ceste sme boli poriadne hladné, tak sme si našli ,,Hospúdku,, priamo tam v pasáži Lucerny a dobre sa napapali a samozrejme nesmelo chýbať vínko. Spomienka na staré časy a tiež budúca pripomienka toho nového, čo nás ešte len čakalo.
Ready to experience we have stood into a small queue yet. Here we waited a really long time, but I do not bother not a little bit. I was so energized, and I was mad that I could wait there much longer: D (by the way it was worth the wait)
Pripravené na zážitok sme sa postavili do zatiaľ malej rady. Tu sme si počkali poriadne dlho, ale to mi neprekážalo ani trošku. Bola som tak nabudená, a jemne mi šibalo, že som tam kludne mohla čakať aj oveľa dlhšie :D (mimochodom stálo to za čakanie)
The longer we stood there, the more we have been closer to each other (in real terms). Towards the end I was glad that I can breathe and that people not come out on my head. I survived it. And when they opened the entrance gates it was like opening the door to heaven. Except for that, then we went (more ran) straight down the stairs to ... beautiful halls.
Čím dlhšie sme tam stáli tým sme si jeden k druhému boli bližšie (doslova). Ku koncu som bola rada že môžem dýchať a že ľudia zo zadu mi nevylezú na hlavu. Prežila som to. A ked sa otvorila vchodová brána bolo to akoby otvorili dvere do neba. Až na to, že potom sme išli (skôr utekali) po schodoch rovno dolu do ... nádhernej sály.
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I´m in the white cap in the flood of black. |
On the stage show, the first band. Until then, for me unknown Caspian. I was very nice surprised. More than nice. They played terrific (especially drums) and more roused my senses waiting for that one single moment.
Na pódiu sa objavila predkapela. Dovtedy pre mňa neznámy Caspian. Prekvapili ma veľmi milo. Viac než milo. Hrali úžasne (hlavne bicie) a ešte viac vyburcovali moje zmysly čakajúce na to ten jediný okamih.
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Caspian |
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Caspian |
That moment came when started to play the intro. Lights turned blue and inside my stomach started to fly giant butterflies. It's here and destroy me nothing.
Ten moment nastal, keď začalo hrať známe intro. Svetlá zmodrali a mne v žalúdku začali lietať obrie motýle. Je to tu a už mi to nič neskazí.
Ten moment nastal, keď začalo hrať známe intro. Svetlá zmodrali a mne v žalúdku začali lietať obrie motýle. Je to tu a už mi to nič neskazí.
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empty stage |
And then they went on stage. The band I listen to 14 years. And on her front stood a man whom I have longed to see live more than anyone else in the world. And now stood before me. Real and a thousand times more beautiful than the pictures. He stopped my breath. My heart was beating a hundredfold speed and I was left to keep fired feelings. Music, his voice, smiles, looks are everything to grave deep into my mind and straight into my heart.
A potom na pódium vyšli oni. Kapela, ktorú počúvam 14 rokov. A na jej čelo sa postavil človek, ktorého som túžila vidieť naživo viac než kohokoľvek iného na svete. A teraz stál predo mnou. Ozajstný a tisíckrát krajší ako na fotkách. Zastavil sa mi dych. Srdce mi bilo stonásobnou rýchlosťou a ja som sa nechala viesť spaľujúcimi pocitmi. Hudba, jeho hlas, úsmevy, pohľady to všetko sa hlboko vrývalo do mojej mysle a rovno do srdca.
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sorry, but I must watch on his amazing ass :D / he staring at us |
After loud screams and chanting came to a series bonus. When Love and Death Embrace. Slow, beautiful and at the same time so sad song. It's beautiful, but also indicates the end. The end of my dream. The end of the concert, which I have enjoyed such a long time. I piled tears into my eyes, but I didn´t cry (because big girls don´t cry). Just my inner self felt the sadness. I was so happy and at the same time I felt empty that occurred when they went off the stage. As if there was the end of days and the sun hasn´t ascend on heaven again.
Po hlasnom vreskote a skandovaní prišiel na rad prídavok. When Love and Death Embrace. Pomalá, krásna a zároveň tak smutná pesnička. Je nádherná, ale zároveň naznačuje koniec. Koniec môjho sna. Koniec koncertu na, ktorý som sa tešila takú dlhú dobu. Slzy sa mi natlačili do očí, ale neplakala som (veď veľké baby neplačú). Len moje vnútorné ja cítilo ten smútok. Bola som tak šťastná a zároveň som cítila prázdno, ktoré nastalo, keď odišli z pódia. Akoby nastal koniec dní a slnko už nemalo znovu výstúpiť na nebo.
Inscription on my back tells half the truth |
It was the end and we are just in the corner of souls hoping we'll see him. That we get the signature or we can take a picture with him. Didn´t happen: (Memories remain us. Was clearly one of the best experiences of my life. And I want to experience it all again! Please :)
Bol koniec a my sme len v kútiku duší dúfali, že ho ešte uvidíme. Že dostaneme autogram alebo sa nám podarí s ním odfotiť. Nepodarilo sa :( Spomienky nám však zostanú. Bol to jednoznačne jeden z najlepších zážitkov v mojom živote. A chcem to celé zažiť znovu! Prosiiim :)
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morning at my friend´s flat / evening after the concert |
If you want to be with me there, you can also view a video made by friend.
Ak tam chcete byť so mnou môžete si pozrieť aj video, ktoré urobila kamoška.
Still full of feelings and memories
Stále plná pocitov a spomienok
Hello sweetheart:)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI have no words just wrote it from my soul ... amazing! When I read these sentences, I found myself in Prague....again I saw him standing right there in front of us on stage ...these are great memories and I swear, I´ll never forget that! The only thing I wish is to see him again and soon. Thanks a lot for your nice article, I'll read it again and again, just for those beautiful memories...