I left with her packed in her bag. She took me to your home and I guessed already then that is the beginning of a great friendship. She was nice to me, took care of me and I gave her comfort as a reward.
Odišiel som s ňou zbalený v jej taške. Vzala si ma k sebe domov a ja som už vtedy tušil, že je to začiatok veľkého priateľstva. Bola ku mne milá, starala sa o mňa a ja som jej za odmenu dával pocit pohodlia.
She used to take me for walks with friends, or just to wander around the city. We went shopping, and a quick lunch! She was always careful to make me become injury, but one day just became a little accident. I was afraid that I would once again postponed or even thrown away, but it didn´t happen!
Brávala si ma na prechádzky s priateľmi, alebo len tak na potulky mestom. Chodili sme spolu na nákupy, aj na rýchle obedy! Vždy bola opatrná aby som neprišiel k úrazu, ale jedného dňa sa skrátka stala menšia nehoda. Bál som sa že budem znovu odložený alebo dokonca odhodený, ale to sa nestalo!
ski jacket: vintage / sweater: Foxy Green / tee: 2nd hand / belt: N/A / jeans: Foxy Green remake / boots: Gregor
úžasný účes :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťĎakujem :)
OdstrániťAmazing story!;D ..and your look is wonderful...i mean the hairs - how did you do that? you must to show me ... ;)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťbtw.: i will call you at the next days ( coffee, finally:D), and don´t be mad on me, honey i have a little trouble with my PC:*(
Thanx honey, and I undertand you ... I look forward to that coffee :) and we talk together then :)
OdstrániťJust followed back on GFC and Bloglovin and liked your FB page! I wish you a lot of success! xx
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