I already tell you about my home furnishing wrote in this article. Then I tried to combine the bed and room globally in a certain style. This time I took it a little more decorative.
I took a couple of my older creations and imagine them as hanging on the wall of the living room. After that I just chose sofa and coffee table and it would look like my future living room is beautifully began to emerge. If you noticed, I didn´t choose traditional sofa but rather a folding bed. One never knows when who comes to visit and places are always short. Although good people everywhere can hold a lot, have a couple of extra beds can´t be wrong. Especially when those beds look so good.
I took a couple of my older creations and imagine them as hanging on the wall of the living room. After that I just chose sofa and coffee table and it would look like my future living room is beautifully began to emerge. If you noticed, I didn´t choose traditional sofa but rather a folding bed. One never knows when who comes to visit and places are always short. Although good people everywhere can hold a lot, have a couple of extra beds can´t be wrong. Especially when those beds look so good.
SK: Už som vám o zariaďovaní svojho domova písala v tomto článku. Vtedy som skúšala skombinovať postele a celkovo izbu do určitého štýlu. Tentoraz som si povedala, že to vezmem trochu viac dekoratívne. Vzala som pár svojich starších výtvorov a predstavila som si ich ako visia na stene obývačky. Potom už som len vybrala sedačku a konferenčný stolík a to ako bude vyzerať moja budúca obývačka sa krásne začalo črtať. Ak ste si všimli nevyberala som klasické sedačky ale skôr rozkladacie postele. Jeden nikdy nevie, kedy kto príde na návštevu a miesta je vždy málo. Aj ked dobrých ľudí sa všade zmestí veľa, mať pár miest na spanie navyše nemôže byť zlé. Hlavne ak takéto sedačky vyzerajú tak dobre.
plant 2, 3 (pencil)
Ten posledný výkres - nádhera, nemám slov.