And here it´s again. Again, I borrowed something his.
So you must admit he bought a super sweatshirt. He looks better in it, but it´s so comfortable that I couldn´t resist :D By the way has the same color as the turtleneck by Melisa. So I will try to break it to common photoshoot. I hope I succeed and you will see our common photos.
So you must admit he bought a super sweatshirt. He looks better in it, but it´s so comfortable that I couldn´t resist :D By the way has the same color as the turtleneck by Melisa. So I will try to break it to common photoshoot. I hope I succeed and you will see our common photos.
SK: A je to tu zas. Zasa som si požičala niečo jeho. Tak ale uznajte nekúpil si super mikinu? Jemu síce sekne viac, ale tak je tak príjemná, že som neodolala :D Mimochodom má rovnaké farby ako rolák od Melisy. Takže sa ho snažím zlomiť na spoločné fotenie. Hádam sa mi to podarí a vy uvidíte naše spoločné fotky.
Ešteže máš toho svojho priateľa. Má naozaj peknú modrú mikinu. A Tebe veľmi svedčí. :-)
Love that jacket!
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Stunning outfit! Love how super casual and comfy it looks!
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