Something like 60s

60s were full of movie stars such as Elizabeth Taylor. I'll tell you wear makeup like her, it can be pretty hard. I wouldn´t want to wear this makeup every day :D

60s boli plné filmových hviezd, ako napríklad Elizabeth Taylor. Poviem vám maľovať sa ako ona, to dá poriadne zabrať. Nechcela by som nosiť takýto make-up každý deň :D
With Charlie and Andy first time we tried to take pictures in the studio. Unfortunately, we have to a photoshoot quickly postpone and so it remained only a few pictures. To the best we have not received. But perhaps it will succeed next time :)

Prvý krát sme s Charliem a Andy skúšali fotiť v ateliéry. Bohužiaľ sme fotenie museli narýchlo odložiť a tak z neho zostalo len pár fotiek. K tomu najlepšiemu sme sa ani nedostali. Ale snáď sa to podarí nabudúce :) 

scarf: ? / dress: from Granny adjusted by me

Photo by Charlie & Andy, styling by me:

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