Summer travel II

Ways we can go somewhere or from somewhere to run. Only one way, at the same time escaping the search for something new - a way to freedom!

Cestami môžeme niekam ísť alebo od niekiaľ utekať. Len jedna cesta je zároveň útekom aj hľadaním niečoho nového - cesta za slobodou!

This is the second part of the photoshoot with Andy and Charlie (first HERE). This time we are wearing more of my knitting things. Sweaters aren´t very visible, but who should herself in this heat. :D And Andy, I dressed up with my remake clothes. 
Otherwise, you wouldn´t believe how many bikers suddenly went around. Or does it have the same more than once? :D So, I don´t know!

Toto je druhá časť photoshootu s Andy a Charliem (prvú nájdete TU). Tentoraz máme na sebe viac mojich štrikovaných vecí. Svetríky niesú veľmi vidieť, ale kto by ich mal na sebe v tom teple :D A Andy som zasa obliekla so môjho remake oblečenia. 
Inak neverili by ste koľko motorkárov zrazu išlo okolo. Alebo to boli tý istý viackrát? :D No neviem, neviem!

Dress, sweaters: Foxy Green / shorts, tee: Foxy Green remake / boots: Gregor / stripes scarf: H&M

Photo by Charlie,
styling, edit, clothes by me:

8 komentárov:

  1. Parádní fotky :))

  2. Oh, wonderful! I love the idea!

    Maggie from

  3. Hello honey! I love this photoshoot so much! it´s very hilarious! You look really beautiful - casually and freely;) and your dress is amazing :) and I must say that Andy is a cute, beautiful girl - really very interesting type! Just perfect both of you!;)
    btw.: Motorcyclists were certainly fucked of you:DDD

  4. Amazing pictures again! Love this free-spirited, bohemian style.

  5. Super fotky, a máš perfektný štyl, bola by som veľmi rada ak by sme sa followali navzájom, teda ak chceš. :)

  6. Maš veľmi pekný štyl a tie fotky sú super, som rada, že som našla tvoj blog :) Nechcela by si sledovať navzájom? Pre spatnu vazbu :)
