Animal Instinkt

Everyone sometimes we follow with instincts. Inner voice that in spite sense can convince about your truth. Often it pays to listen him.
Každý sa občas riadime inštinktami. Vnútorný hlas, ktorý aj napriek rozumu dokáže presvedčiť o svojej pravde. Často sa ale vyplatí poslúchnuť ho.

I helped Andy with work to school. She got theme: fashion on the field. We were thinking of anything but we obeyed our animal instinct :D and decided to imitate (of course in own way) fashion of animals in the field.

Pomáhala som Andy s prácou do školy. Dostala tému móda na poli. Premýšľali sme nad kadečím, ale nakoniec sme poslúchli náš zvierací inštinkt :D a  rozhodli sa napodobniť (samozrejme po svojom) módu zvierat na poli. 

All night I dreamed about wild boars, does, pheasants and other birds :D. And finally produce these two animal combinations. Makeup is also inspired by animal world :)

Celú noc sa mi snívalo o diviakoch, srnkách, bažantoch a iných ftáčkoch :D A nakoniec vznikli tieto dve zvieracie kombinácie. Makeup je tiež inšpirovaný zvieracím svetom :)

Look 1: belt, legins: H&M / handbag: Foxy Green / headband: dm drogerie / boots, fur vest: old / others N/A
Look 2: fur: 2nd hand / belt: H&M / other like look 1

Photo by Andy
Styling, edit by me:

8 komentárov:

  1. In my opinion it' s your the best out fit and the best photography session too! I love it! It ' s original and so crazy. Maybe people say it' s a little screwy but it isn' t bad because it' s so good :D

  2. Absolutely great photos! I love your outfit of ,,unrestrained wild beast´´!;) Your make up, hairs and everything is amazing sweetie!;)
    *Third photo ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. You look lovely dear ! :) Such a pretty hairs you have :) xx

  4. So the look
    Pictures are great
    Keep intouch

  5. Hello hun:)
    This post is really nice,love it:)))
    Maybe we could follow each other ? Let me know on my blog!:)

  6. Wow, tak teda nevím čím to, jestli těma očima, odstínem barev nebo scenérií, ale moc moc ti to sluší, vypadáš jinak =) A pěkné fotky !!

  7. you got a unique and amazing style. You somehow look like Lana Del Rey.
    Jersey Chase
