Find the right shoes

 Everyone surely knows. You stand in front of a closet, choosing clothes. Finally something you choose, and the problem comes. Although the outfit is fine, according to the ideas and moods, but ...
Každá to určite pozná. Stojíte pred šatníkom, vyberáte šaty. Konečne niečo vyberiete a príde problém. Outfit je síce fajn, podľa predstáv a nálady, ale...
Something is missing. Of course, aren´t the right shoes. Thus I buried a lot of outfits in the closet.
I admit there were times when I bought a cheap, low-quality shoes, just so I could have more. That doesn´t apply now and never want to return.
One way to protect nature and to prevent overproduction in fashion is also buying quality products. For the shoe is probably the best way. Now I'm buying only quality shoes. And if I don´t have the right prefer I walk barefoot: D (it was a joke, so I'm not an extremist, but you definitely don´t want to buy shoes that will crumble after a week). And so I accepted the challenge reserved for and decided to write this article.
Niečo chýba. Jasné, niesú správne topánky. Takto som pochovala veľa outfitov ešte v šatníku. 
Priznávam, boli časy, kedy som kupovala lacné, nekvalitné topánky, len aby som ich mohla mať viac. To už ale neplatí a nikdy sa k tomu nemienim vrátiť. 
Jedným spôsobom ako chrániť prírodu a brániť nadprodukcii v móde je aj kupovanie kvalitných výrobkov. Pri topánkach je to asi najlepší spôsob. Teraz už kupujem len kvalitné topánky. A ak doma nemám tie správne budem chodiť radšej bosá :D (to bol vtip, taký extrémista nie som, ale rozhodne si už nehodlám kúpiť topánky, čo sa mi po týždni rozpadnú). A tak som prijala reserved výzvu pre a rozhodla sa napísať tento článok.

t-shirt: Terranova / shirt: second hand / shorts: Foxy Green remake / bag: gift

Easy to writing about something you have in hands. Worse is to write about things that do not. To my outfit today, I missed just the quality shoes. The company Romika also manufactures medical shoes. Their sport shoes will certainly also healthy and suitable for everyday wearing. Definitely one of the two shoes to my outfit would be perfect :) What do you think?

Ľahko sa píše o niečom, čo máte v rukách. Horšie je písať o veciach, ktoré niesú. K môjmu dnešnému outfitu mi chýbali už len tie kvalitné topánky. Firma Romika vyrába aj zdravotnú obuv, takže ich športová obuv bude určite tiež zdravá a vhodná na každodenné nosenie. Rozhodne jedny z týchto dvoch  topánok by  k môjmu outfitu boli dokonalé :) Čo vy na to?

12 komentárov:

  1. Haha I know this problem about shoes very well! :) I got a couple of pairs though but sometimes you can't find the right ones that fit your outfit, you know. Aahh. I like the sports shoes here! Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Rathana xx

  2. great post!

  3. great photos !

  4. Thats very true when it comes to shoes,there are those days when you cant seem to find the right shoe
    Love your look,very cool
    Keep intouch

  5. Nice look ;)
    Greets, Nabil ;)

  6. You look lovely in your outfit! I agree with you, both shoes match perfectly with your look! Thank you so much for stopping by and for following! I'm following you back now on ”GFC”, and ”Google+”
    You said you've followed me on bloglovin, but I didn't receive any notification and my followers number is the same as before :(


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  7. Thanks a lot dear! I'm following you back now on ”bloglovin (#49)”....and I clicked there on the "♥heart button" (below each post) on all your posts, to show my appreciation and some love ;)
    Keep in touch sweetie! Hope you have a fabulous week ahead<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  8. I had the exact same problem today! I was shooting an outfit and fought, dammit I miss something to make it complete. But you solved it very originally this way! bravo!

    xxx Anna
    A Tale of Two Shoes

  9. Souhlasím. Myslím, že více by se ti hodili ty bilé ;)
