Story of broken heart part 2

From Halloween photo shoot I still have a few pictures. I didnĀ“t want it just set up somewhere and so I come with the second part of the article ,, Story of broken heart,,:
After everything that she has experienced is now free. She decided to revenge his treachery. And she nothing stops. Heartless and soulless is ready to destroy everything.

Z halloweenskeho fotenia mi zostalo eÅ”te pĆ”r fotiek. Nechcela som ich len tak niekde založiÅ„ a tak prichĆ”dzam s druhou časÅ„ou člĆ”nku ,,Story of broken heart,,:
Po vÅ”etkom čo zažila je teraz voľnĆ”. Rozhodla sa pomstiÅ„ jeho zradu. A nič ju už nezastavĆ­. Bez srdca a bez duÅ”e je pripravenĆ” zničiÅ„ vÅ”etko.

I have a little surprise for you yet!
EÅ”te mĆ”m pre vĆ”s jedno malĆ© prekvapenie! 

Do you like it?
PĆ”Äi sa vĆ”m?

4 komentƔre:

  1. OMG sweetie! This is uncredible! All of photos are just perfect! And your ,,surprice,, at the end is the real surprice! How did you do that?:O ...well, you have to show me how...? :D YouĀ“re really beautiful here;)
    thumb up!;))))

  2. Tak ten gif :O ten je peckovej, nesmĆ­rně se mi lĆ­bĆ­. Jak nějakĆ” slavnĆ” celebrita z filmu !!!
    MĆ”Å” skvělĆ½ blog a rĆ”da tě začnu sledovat..:))

    Blog Ļook of Ļeauty

  3. Mňa asi picne:D BohovskĆ© gifko <3<3
