Under the article tittled isnĀ“t no poetic point. Simply it was written on the wall behind me. I got a taste combine wear notn entirely in my style. And especially I craved to combine something a little more crazy. And this is the result of then my feelings: D
Pod nĆ”zvom nehľadajte žiadnu poetickĆŗ pointu. SkrĆ”tka to bolo napĆsanĆ© na stene, pred ktorou sĆŗ fotky fotenĆ©. Dostala som chuÅ„ kombinovaÅ„ veci nie celkom v mojom Å”tĆ½le. A hlavne som tĆŗžila skombinovaÅ„ nieÄo troÅ”ku viac Å”ialene. No a toto je vĆ½sledok mojich vtedajÅ”Ćch pocitov :D
cap: Polo, t: N/A, sweatshirt: Fishbone, vest: Cropp, pants: N/A, sracf: F&F, sneakers: Nike
And finally a little bonus! Have fun: D
A na zĆ”ver eÅ”te jeden malĆ½ bonus! Bavte sa :D
your hair is dope!!!
Frank Vinyl. A California Style Blog
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