This article I transferred from the old blog.
Tento článok si prenášam zo starého blogu.
Even the ugly things (I) can sometimes look better (than wrong) if you steal the right to colors (even if the colors are beautiful)!
Aj škaredé veci (ja) môžu občas vyzerať lepšie (než zle) ak im ukradneme právo na farby (aj keď farby sú krásne)!
Even the ugly things (I) can sometimes look better (than wrong) if you steal the right to colors (even if the colors are beautiful)!
Aj škaredé veci (ja) môžu občas vyzerať lepšie (než zle) ak im ukradneme právo na farby (aj keď farby sú krásne)!
Black and white reality (ie gray) showing us that the world of fantasy (ie my) is the total colored (or green?)
Čierno biela realita (čiže šedá) nám ukazuje, že svet fantázie (čiže môj) je celkom farebný(alebo zelený?)
The world caught in cobwebs of black and white, fantasy does not deny. Just like an angel flying around. Chained gray reality.
Not one tree remains green and not one blade of grass, until your smile will not appear on your face.
Black recalls the dark, white light. But the black fertile earth resides and White Winter takes heat. Every coin has more than two sides, and I believe in white crows.
White (is only one), Black (is only one), Gray (these are thousands)!
Biela (je len jedna), Čierna (je len jedna), Šedá (tých je tisíce)!