Street Dance

No. DonĀ“t be deceived. I'm not a Hip-hop enthusiast. Not even such music listening. But in the second hand I bought this huge sweatshirt, which is abnormally comfortable. And I also added new cap. Adidas logo I also like, so what. Although I donĀ“t understand why, but more and more found myself in sportswear. It's probably related to my increased need for comfort :D

Well, as a place of shooting we chose the subway to the train station. The whole it seemed like a street dence. And then I began dancing :D Well, it was already clear. I enjoy dancing, whether it's any dance. Dancing is actually the only sport that you can see me do. Otherwise, I actually completely anti-sporty.

SK: Nie nemĆ½lte sa. Niesom žiadny Hip-hopovĆ½ nadÅ”enec. Dokonca ani takĆŗto hudbu nepočĆŗvam. Ale v sekĆ”Äi som si kĆŗpila tĆŗto obrovskĆŗ mikynu, ktorĆ” je nenormĆ”lne pohodlnĆ”. A tiež mi pribudla aj novĆ” Å”iltka. Adidas logo sa mi tiež pĆ”Äi, tak čo už. Nerozumiem tomu sĆ­ce  prečo, ale stĆ”le viac sa pristihujem v Å”portovom oblečenĆ­. Asi to bude sĆŗvisieÅ„ s mojou zvĆ½Å”enou potrebou pohodlia :D
No a ako miesto fotenia sme si vybrali podchod na vlakovej stanici. CelĆ© mi to potom priÅ”lo tak nejak street dencovĆ©. Až som si začala tancovaÅ„ :D No a už to bolo jasnĆ©. Tancovanie ma ale bavĆ­, nech už je to akĆ½koľvek tanec. Tanec je vlastne jedinĆ½ Å”port, ktorĆ½ ma mĆ“Å¾ete vidieÅ„ robiÅ„. Inak som vlastne uplne antiÅ”portovĆ½ typ. 

cap: Adidas / sweatshirt, jacket: Secondhand/ velvet legins: ???  / sneakers: Nike

Photo by Viktor, styling by me:

6 komentƔrov:

  1. Fun shots..n I love that cap!

    Check out my new post Here!!!ļ»æ

  2. such a fantastic sporty look!

  3. Se zelenou mikinou to vypadĆ” hodně dobře, samotnou by mě tahle kombinace nenapadla, super post:)

  4. Such a cool look. ;-)
    Lovely greets and have a nice week...

  5. Š”уŠæŠµŃ€! ŠæрŠøŠŗŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Š¹ Š»ŃƒŠŗ)

    Elena Maksudy
