Change is coming ... it's here!

Mega comfy outfit, pictures in hand and determination in the head. These are the three things that I needed. A change could come!
Mega pohodlný outfit, obrázky do ruky a odhodlanie v hlave. To sú tri veci, ktoré som potrebovala. A zmena mohla prísť!

I love this flannel, Lumberjack shirt and ripped, faded jeans. Just mega comfort. 
Already have an idea what is going to change? No? So read on :)

Milujem túto flanelovú, drevorubačskú košeľu aj tieto roztrhané vyblednuté jeansy. Skrátka mega pohodlie.
Už tušíte čo sa chystá za zmenu? Nie? Tak čítajte ďalej :)

Sooo here it is! Goodbye hair: D
Táák a je to tu! Zbohom vlasy :D

Dexterous hands of the stylist was cut my hair and I'm happy, because change is also my life :)

Šikovné ruky kaderníčky ostrihali moje vlasy a ja som spokojná, lebo zmena je aj môj život :)

Photo by Aďa & me, outfit by me:

2 komentáre:

  1. I really like your style, very grunge. That shirt really suits you.
    I just discovered your blog and love it!
    I follow you and I'll let my blog if you want to spend, I would look forward to you follow me.
    A kiss, and cheers!

  2. you had very pretty long hair! but you look great with short hair too! :)
