What was sometimes good is good today. What we sent into oblivion shall return. It's simple. Everything that once was good, will be good again!
To čo bolo niekedy dobré je dobré aj dnes. To čo sme poslali do zabudnutia sa znovu vráti. Je to jednoduché. Všetko čo raz bolo dobré, bude dobré znovu!
With the coming of mobile phones, we almost stopped wearing a watch. Fortunately, phones not displace the real machine showing as time goes by. It would be a shame if something so charming (like from the outside as well as inside) stopped ornament our wrists. Watches are still here! And the more reminiscent of a bygone age, the more charming seem to me.
S príchodom mobilov sme takmer prestali nosiť hodinky. Našťastie však telefóny nevytlačili skutočný stroj ukazujúci ako plynie čas. Bola by škoda, keby niečo tak pôvabné (ako z vonku, tak aj z vnútra) prestalo krášliť naše zápästia. Hodinky sú stále tu! A čím viac pripomínajú doby minulé, tým okúzlujúcejšie mi pripadajú.
Therefore, these vintage wrist watch from Born Pretty Store seem like perfect. In addition, they are beautiful, they also have the advantage, which I greatly appreciated. They fit well on my thin hand. So, no need to shorten the strap. I very much look forward of them :)
By the way in Born Pretty Store have a super selection of women's watch, and wonderful bracelet watch. And if you enter this code: PEBUC10 You can reach them with the 10% discount.
Preto mi tieto vintage náramkové hodinky od Born Pretty Store prídu dokonalé. Okrem toho, že sú krásne, majú aj výhodu, ktorú ja veľmi ocením. Sedia aj na mojej tenkej ruke. Takže už nemusím skracovať remienok. Veľmi sa z nich teším :)
Inak v Born Pretty Store majú super výber ženských hodiniek, aj nádherné náramkové hodinky. A ak zadáte tento kód: PEBUC10 dostanente ich s 10% zľavou.
Also, just because of the watch, I dressed in such vintage outfits. One is more masculine (pants, jacket, hat) and the other in turn more feminine (skirt, bow at the neck, high heel). Paradoxically ,,men's,, outfit seems to me finer. This is proof that a woman can, even in men's clothes, still look like a woman :)
Aj práve kvôli hodinkám som sa nahodila do takýchto vintage outfitov. Jeden je viac pánsky (nohavice, sako, klobúk) a druhý zasa viac ženský (sukňa, mašlička na krku, vysoké topánky). Paradoxne na mňa pôsobí jemnejšie práve ten ,,pánsky,, outfit. To je dôkaz, že žena môže aj v pánskom oblečení stále vyzerať ako žena :)
Look 1: hat, jacket, oxford shoes: H&M / blouse, pants: 2nd hand / watch: Born Pretty Store / socks: Foxy Green
Look 2: sweater, shoes, socks: ??? / body: Josselline / belt: old / skirt: 2nd hand / watch: Born Pretty Store
Photo by Charlie Charlesson
Styling end edit by me:
Beautiful photos and post!!! I like your blog!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťwould you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin? let me know...
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Beautiful photos!
Btw, followed you via GFC(#105),waiting for you to do the same )
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLove the outfits so much and everything is so beautiful.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYou have an amazing blog. :)
[If you would like to show support by following each other, let me know? :)]
Love, love!You are a beautiful, stylish genius! xx
Thank you so much for your visit!!! I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin now!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťand I added you by g+ too! I'm very happy if you do the same.
Have a nice sunday! and my g+ and like in bloglovin for your post!!!:)))
Hey sweetheart! Such a gorgeous pics! Is that shoot where you needed my ,,little help´´? so sorry but i couldn´t to come...:( But these photos are really successful! Nice outfit and your shoes - i love them! You look like pretty ,,old school´´ doll!;)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHey sweetheart! Such a gorgeous pics! Is that shoot where you needed my ,,little help´´? so sorry but i couldn´t to come...:( But these photos are really successful! Nice outfit and your shoes - i love them! You look like pretty ,,old school´´ doll!;)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHey sweetheart! Such a gorgeous pics! Is that shoot where you needed my ,,little help´´? so sorry but i couldn´t to come...:( But these photos are really successful! Nice outfit and your shoes - i love them! You look like pretty ,,old school´´ doll!;)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLoved the photography..n you look amazing :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCheck out my new post Here!!!
Lovely photos dear <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťReally appreciate it if you could visit my blog.
Let me know if you've followed me! My GFC is at the bottom of my page.
I follow everyone back.
Do give me some time to get back to you. :)
Sandy | http://smxyc.blogspot.sg
ja nosim hodinky väčšinou cez leto lebo ked mam v zime dlhy rukav akosi mi to vadi:)) ale väčšinou si ich aj tak zabudnem nasadiť takže su stale na poličke:)) suprove fotky modelka jedna:)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYou look great dear, the watch is so cute. We nominated you for most inspiring blogger award. See on our blog. Kisses from KENYA
OdpovedaťOdstrániťWow, pěkný oufit, jakým foťákem fotis?:)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťmas krasne vlasy a vencek z kvetov ti pristane ako malokomu :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťPeacock & Pineapples
Nice photos doll :)
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Facebook SNB: Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy me