Fate is like cigarette smoke in the wind

How the heart longs for love, so longs sense that there is destiny. True love is the only thing whereon would agree.
Ako srdce túži po láske, tak rozum túži aby existoval osud. Osudová láska je jediná vec na čom sa zhodnú. 

The heart and brain have nothing to do and I do not believe in fate. Fate is like cigarette smoke in the wind. Appears elusive and transient. A barely see him, the wind blows him away. Along with fate takes love, whether it was strong as fire-breathing dragon, although it reached to the bottom of the deepest abyss.
The story of the famme fatal is a fairy tale about a cursed princess. Her look, gives away man unreal luck, but if he comes closer will suffer day after day until he finally dies in cruel torments, and his heart will be burnt to ashes. He knows it, but his heart longs for love and his mind believe in fate. Therefore, he is lost in advance.

Srdce a rozum však nemajú nič spoločné a ja neverím na osud. Osud je ako cigaretový dym vo vetre. Objaví sa prchavý a pominuteľný. A sotva ho uvidíš, zafúka vietor a odvanie ho preč. 
Spolu s osudom vezme aj lásku, nech bola mocná ako drak chŕliaci oheň, hoci siahala až na dno najhlbšej priepasti. 
Príbeh osudovej ženy je rozprávka o prekliatej princeznej. Jej pohľad obdaruje muža neskutočným šťastím, no ak sa priblíži bude trpieť deň po dni až nakoniec zomrie v krutých mukách a jeho srdce bude spálené na popol. On to dobre vie, ale jeho srdce túži po láske a jeho rozum verí v osud. Preto je dopredu stratený.

jacket: Cubus / vest: gina tricot / his skirt: old / legins: N/A / boots: Gregor

Photo by Viktor,
styling, text by me:

18 komentárov:

  1. Hello darling! Fantastic photos!;) I always knew you remind me of someone...i got it! My favorite singer Lana del Rey:D ;)

  2. Tento komentár bol odstránený autorom.

  3. This is my favourite shooting! I think you did some amazing pictures and this style fits you so wel...I just love it!

  4. the shots are so professional looking. I like the use of the filter here and dramatic eye makeup!

    I'd love it if you could also check out my blog! http://afashionneverland.blogspot.com/ xx

  5. Amazing pics dear ! :)

  6. Love the photography :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  7. pretty nice blog, following :)

  8. Fantastic! I feel the mood and smell the cigarette via the photos. You are a professional actress! xx


  9. Výborný článok a perfektné obrázky. Na tej prvej a poslednej máš výborný kukuč. :-) A obdivujem Tvoju hrivu. :-)

  10. nezahodíš tu cigaretu?:)) članok je užasny ta uplne prva veta je pravdiva:)

    1. No v skutočnosti nefajčím , ale čo človek neurobí pre fotku !? :D

    2. Na to, že nefajčíš vyzerajú tie fotky presvedčivo. Dostala si ma ;o)

  11. howw niceee!<3

  12. Krásné myšlienky.


  13. Hi darling, great photos!
    The jacket is fab :)
    Rathana xo Join The Fashion LINK UP

  14. love the outfit..

    Lots of Love,
