If you want to kill me .... you gotta aim for heart!

If you want to kill me ... not enough to blitz my house,
maybe destroy my dream world.
Ak ma chceš zabiť ... nestačí zbombardovať mi dom,
možno zničiť môj vysnívaný svet.

If you want to kill me ... not enough to clear my name,
maybe my soul.
Ak ma chceš zabiť... nestačí vymazať moje meno,
možno moju dušu.

If you want to kill me ... not enough to clog my mouth, 
maybe my words.
Ak ma chceš zabiť ... nestačí zalepiť mi ústa,
možno moje slová.

If you want to kill me ... enough to hit my head,
You gotta aim for heart!
Ak ma chceš zabiť... nestačí trafiť do mojej hlavy,
musíš mieriť na srdce!

tee: Foxy Green / jeans: Foxy green remake
photo: Andy / styling, edit: me

5 komentárov:

  1. great post dear say would you like to follow each other? just let me know on my blog =) hugs http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/

    1. thanks followed =) http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/

  2. Beautiful poem! Great photos, sweetie! Did i tell you already, that your color of hair is just perfect?;D

  3. You're looking really original, I like the most your blouse with black sweetheart:D You have f*cking amazing hair! Power and fair:D
