
Russian hair

Recently I was inspired and I tried this hairstyle. I do not know whether this is actually from Russia, but it just seems to me so. I love braids and this is one of the ways you can experiment with them.
As for the outfit I focused on the scarf. I wanted to create an outfit for the competition. (Speaking about the competition, you would have delighted me if you would give your voice in a Fashion challange,, you need to click on the heart). The theme was, as I have already mentioned scarves. This is one of my favorites. I bought it for his color, which I really pleased and I feel that it tune to my eyes: D

Nedávno som si nechala inšpirovať a vyskúšala som tento účes. Neviem či regulérne pochádza z Ruska, ale mne tak skrátka pripadá. milujem zapletené copy a toto je jeden zo spôsobov ako sa s nimi dá experimentovať. 
Čo sa týka outfitu zamerala som sa na šál. Išlo mi o to, vytvoriť outfit do súťaže. (Keď spomínam súťaž, potešili by ste ma ak by ste mi dali svoj hlas na Fashion challange, treba kliknúť na srdiečko). Témou boli, ako som už spomínala šály. Tento je jeden z mojich obľúbených. Kúpila som si ho kvoli jeho farbe, ktorú mám hrozne rada a mám pocit, že mi ide k očiam :D 

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