
Wild in the rain

Today really raining out. In spite cold and rain, we went out and it was pretty good. You just walk in the rain is so ... liberating. It makes you feel so unbridled. I have felt this feeling as I heard the drumming raindrops on the window. Somewhat reminded me Indians drumming. And so I was inspired and created this outfit :)

 Dnes skoro celý deň vonku poriadne leje. Aj napriek zime a dažďu sme sa vybrali von a bolo to celkom fajn. Chodiť si len tak v daždi je tak ... oslobodzujúce. Človek sa cíti tak nespútane. Ja som ten pocit cítila už ako som počula bubnovanie dažďových kvapiek na okno. Tak trochu mi to pripomenulo bubnovanie Indiánov. A preto som sa nechala inšpirovať a vznikol tento outfit :)

tee, furry vest: N/A / jeans: vintage / belt: H&M / boots: Gregor / bag: gift / coat: vintage

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