Christmas Day

Tomorrow is coming new year and I'm haunted with Christmas: D I know that I write a little late, but I enjoyed the holidays pretty calm. And for blog did not leave much time already. I wanted to look back at my Christmas because they were beautiful.

Už zajtra sa blíži nový rok a ja tu straším s Vianocami :D Viem, že som trocha pozadu, ale sviatky som si užila pekne v kľude. A na blog už čas veľmi nevyšiel. Chcela som sa ale aspoň trošku obzrieť za mojimi Vianocami, pretože boli krásne.  

First gingerbread baking, and decorating the tree. Later in the evening dinner (I don´t have pictures, I didn´t disturb) and finally unpacking gifts. But the most beautiful was that we were all together :)

Najskôr pečenie medovníkov, potom zdobenie stromčeka. Neskôr večera (z tej fotky nemám,nechcela som rušiť) a nakoniec rozbaľovanie darčekov. Najkrajšie ale bolo, že sme boli všetci spolu :)

So now can come the new year :)
Tak a teraz už môže prísť ten nový rok :)

7 komentárov:

  1. Great post, thanks for sharing sweetie! :)
    P.S. What do you think about following each other? I'd be glad if you want to! Let me know :) x

  2. OMG, beautiful photos :)) I like it!
    I follow you... #28 Follow back? ;p

  3. Mas krasnou postavu !! :) dekuju §

  4. Hey, thanks so much for following me! :) I have done the same - followed you back. Have a very happy New Year and keep in touch! :)
    xx, Tina

  5. Adorable photos!
    I'm your new follower via GFC, hope you can follow back)
    Happy New Year!

  6. Jsi strašně krásná slečna a fotky jsi hezky upravila, moc se mi líbí takové mixy :D
