I donĀ“t know why I dressed this. Shorts are warm, so I got a taste of their wear. I wanted something warmer, but I'm not in the mood for long pants, so simply dressed. Getting dressed, sort of intuitive, so I donĀ“t this time much to say.
Ani neviem preÄo som si obliekla toto. KraÅ„ase sĆŗ teplĆ©, tak som dostala chuÅ„ si ich obliecÅ„. Chcela som nieÄo teplejÅ”ie, ale nemala som nĆ”ladu na dlhĆ© nohavice, tak som si to jednoducho obliekla. Obliekala som sa tak nejak intuitĆvne, takže k tomu nemĆ”m tento raz veľmi Äo povedaÅ„.
hat: H&M/ necklace: Foxy Green/ tee, sweater, shorts, belt: N/A/ boots: Gregor/ handbag: gift
Wow love the outfit! You're so pretty and stylish, dear :)
OdpovedaÅ„OdstrĆ”niÅ„New post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG
Super prĆspevok aj outfit ! :33 ..SKukni mĆ“j blog : http://majkaandveronikastyle.blogspot.sk/