
Wooden castle

 It was an ordinary day. Just a short walk with children. It was a very warm and we had a taste for cake :D
Cakes we never did because we remembered it too late and everything has already been closed, but at least the kids played at this beautiful wooden castle. Absolutely I would like this at home for children because it's great. It´s beautiful, plus there used the old furniture and old wood :) So maybe one day my dear make this for our children :D

SK: Bol to obyčajný deň. Len krátka prechádzka s deťmi. Vonku bolo naozaj teplo a mali sme chuť na koláčik :D Koláčika sme sa nedočkali, pretože sme si na to spomenuli príliš neskoro a všetko už bolo zatvorené, ale deti sa aspoň pohrali na tomto krásnom drevenom hrade. Rozhodne také niečo by som prijala aj doma pre deti lebo je to super. Krásne a navyše tam využili starý nábytok a staré drevo :) Tak možno raz také môj drahý pre naše deti vyrobí :D

dress, bag: Textil House (secondhand) / sandals: F&F / necklace: Pupa Art (Sk handmade)

Photo by Viktor, stylling & edit by me:

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