
Take a peek into my little secrets

I've already mentioned to you that going to something bigger. Also, I already wrote that it will cooperate with  one briliant Slovak designer.
And this article can give clues about this designer. But also will show you what it looked like before shooting. The conditions we have no perfect, but we enjoyed a lot of fun and I think the pictures are beautiful. But you'll see those later. (don't even know what a chore to pick just a few of the best :D photos)
By the way if anyone would like to this photoshoot with us, you simply need to share this photo on my Facebook :)
And, by the way, girl on the photos is Gabika. And you can look forward to another new face. But the next time.

SK: Už som vám spomínala, že chystám niečo väčšieho. Tiež som už písala, že to bude spolupráca s jednou skvelou Slovenskou návrhárkou. A tento článok Vám môže napovedať o akú návrhárku ide. Ale aj Vám ukáže to, ako to vyzeralo pred fotením. Podmienky síce nemáme celkom profi, ale zato sme si užili kopec zábavy a myslím, že aj fotky sa vydarili. Tie ale uvidíte neskôr. (ani neviete aká je fuška vybrať len pá najlepších :D )
Mimochodom ak by niekto tiež chcel zažiť takéto fotenie s nami stačí jednoducho zdielať túto fotku z môjho facebooku :)
A aby som nezabudla slečna na fokách je Gabika a okrem nej a mňa sa môžete tešiť aj na ďalšiu novú tvár. Ale tá zasa nabudúce. 

Photo, edit by Charlie Charlesson, model Gabika, styling, mua by me:

1 komentár:

  1. you look to be having a lot of fun and the pictures look like they are going to be absolutely gorgeous cannot wait
