
Insta Photos III

To see my photos that you haven´t had a chance to see anywhere, just on my inatagram, so keep reading :D
On my insta see the less quality but more personal photos, as here on the blog, so if you want you can follow HERE
SK: Ak chcete vidieť moje fotky, ktoré ste zatiaľ nemali možnosť vidieť nikde len na mojom inatagrame, tak čítajte ďalej :D Na mojom insta nájdete síce menej kvalitné, ale viac osobné fotky ako tu na blogu, takže ak chcete môžete ho sledovať TU

1. 2. in my dad house / 3. my younger boy / 4. my power box :)
with his tee :(
1. my boys are going to the wedding / 2. and me too / train / 4. on tower in Trnava
1. 2. 4. one day one look / 3. and look of my boy :)
Memories of  him
1. 2. one look in / 3. 4. and one look out
1. 2. 4. from photoshoot with Andy / 3. picnic from the same place

3 komentáre:

  1. You took great photos :)

  2. I love insta mix :)

    Please click here and you are welcome to my blog :)

    Have a wonderful Day!
