
Peanut Envy

I love the second hands, because one found there that wouldn't find elsewhere. Shopping becomes not only shopping but also an adventure through discovering.
This shirt discovered my dear (he has more luck than me :D) I didn't hesitate for a moment and took it. And I had no idea what it's actually the t-shirt. At first I thought it was some promotional shirt for peanut butter. At home I put it into Google and it makes me climbed this! This shirt is a limited edition to help hungry people. I love things that help. Although I'm buying the shirts helped anybody (because I bought it in second hand), but someone helped with it once, and I have therefore shirt that helped :)

SK: Milujem sekáče, pretože človek tam nájde čo by inde nenašiel. Nakupovanie sa tak stáva nielen nakupovaním ale aj dobrodružstvom vďaka objavovaniu. Toto tričko objavil môj drahý (má viac šťastia ako ja :D) Neváhala som ani chvíľku a vzala ho. A to som ani netušila čo je to vlastne za tričko. Najskôr som myslela, že je to nejaké reklamné tričko na arašidové maslo. Doma som to teda hodila do googlu a ono mi z toho vyliezlo toto! Toto tričko je teda limitovaná edícia na pomoc hladným ľuďom. Milujem veci, ktoré pomáhajú. Ja som síce kúpou tohoto trička nikomu nepomohla (pretože som ho kúpila v second hande), ale niekto ním raz pomohol a ja mám teda tričko, ktoré pomáhalo :)

jacket: H&M / hoodie: Levi´s / tee: second hand / jeans: old / boots: Gregor

Photo by Viktor, styling by me:

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