
Red Dress

I found some kind of forgot pictures of warmer days :) So I said that I will show them to you. And this despite the fact that it already such a beautiful sun doesn´t light and no longer have this dress. It's a pretty good way to tell you about my account on or VotočVohoz or for new Vinted. While there don´t have much, but definitely am going to get rid of a large part of my wardrobe. Probably the things that are going to give away will be able to buy through the blog or via fb, but some I give you as a gift :)

SK: Ahaho našla som jedny tak trochu zabudnuté fotky z teplejších dní :) Tak som si  povedala, že vám ich ukážem. A to aj napriek tomu, že už ani nesvieti také krásne slniečko a ani už nemám tieto šaty. Je to celkom dobrý spôsob povedať vám o mojom konte na VotočVohoz alebo po novom Vinted. Zatiaľ tam toho moc nemám,ale rozhodne sa chystám zbaviť sa veľkej časti svojho šatníka. Pravdepodobne veci, ktoré sa chystám dať preč bude mať možnosť kúpiť si aj cez blog alebo cez fb (to sa ešte rozhodnem), ale niektoré sa vám újdu aj ako darčeky :) 

dress: Second Hand / belt: old, Shoes: ?

Photo by Vitkor, styling by me:

7 komentárov:

  1. <3 looks so nice and pretty, wow!
    Your blog is quite amazing dear!
    I would really appreciate if we would follow each other on GFC, G+ and BL, so that we can keep in touch!
    I started following you, waiting for you to follow back ;)
    xoxo Coll // my Blog little - TOBEYOUTIFUL // Bloglovin

  2. lovely dress, lovely you! like yur shoes very much, they seem very confortable!

  3. In love with that dress!

    Check out my new post Here!!!
