
Who work with me

My blog, it's not just me. These are the people who help me. Without them, this blog is not the way it is. So I want you now present them.

SK: Môj blog to niesom len ja. Sú to aj ľudia, ktorý mi pomáhajú. Bez nich by tento blog nebol taký aký je. Takže vám ich chcem teraz predstaviť. 

photo by Charlie
Andy helping me with photos. As a photographer, but also as a model (for example here). I turn it occasionally will help with photos to school. She studied at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. She takes pictures of about two years. While the photo shoot as a hobby, but she would like to devote a professional. Shi is myfriend  & family too.
Camera: Nikon D 3100
Lenses: 18-55, 55-200
Photos: here, here or here
SK: Andy mi pomáha s fotkami. Ako fotografka, ale aj ako modelka (napríklad tu). Ja jej zasa občas pomôžem s fotkami do školy. Študuje na univerzite sv. Cyrila a Metoda v  Trnave. Foteniu sa venuje približne 3 roky. zatiaľ má fotenie ako koníček, ale chcela by sa mu venovať profesionálne. Je to moja kamoška a rodina tiež:)
Foťák:  Nikon D 3100
Objektívy: 18-55, 55-200
Fotky: tu, tu alebo tu.

photo by me
Viktor, I carry it most often. He isn´t always in the mood for a photoshoot, but if he wants so worth it. He hates to take his pictures, but once I convinced him to stand on the other side of the camera :D (you can take a look here). Except my photographer he is my husband and father of my children :)
Camera: Olympus  E 420, Nikon D 3100
Lenses:  50mm, F-18
Photos: here, here or here.
SK: Viktor, toho mám pri sebe najčastejšie, nie vždy má náladu na fotenie, ale ak sa mu chce tak to stojí za to. Neznáša sa fotiť, ale raz som ho ukecala aby sa postavil aj na druhú stranu foťáku :D (môžte  sa pozrieť tu). Okrem môjho fotografa je aj môj manžel a otec mojich detí :)
Foťák: Olympus E 420, Nikon D 3100
Objektívy: 50mm, F-18, 
Fotky: tu, tu alebo tu.

photo by Viktor
Charlie is a photographer with which I do not do pictures so often, but then again they are more photoshooty than ordinary daily outfits.
Camera: Nikon D 800
Lenses: nikkor 85mm f 1.8, tamaron 24- 70mm
Phtots: here, here or here. Taking photos fullest
 and his pictures, you can also find on his website
SK: Charlie je fotograf s ktorým nefotím tak často, ale zasa sú to viac photoshooty ako obyčajné denné outfity. Fotenu sa venuje naplno a jeho fotky mžete nájsť aj na jeho stránke
Foťák: Nikon D 800
Objektívy: nikkor 85mm f 1.8, tamron 24- 70mm
Fotky: tu, tu alebo tu.

These are three people without whom my blog couldn´t operate as it works. For their help them thanx very much. Really appreciate their understanding and very much appreciate their cooperation. So people thanks a lot :) 
SK: Toto sú traja ľudia bez ktorých by môj blog nemohol fungovať tak ako funguje. Za ich pomoc im veľmi ďakujem. Fakt oceňujem ich pochopenie a veľmi si vážim  ich spoluprácu. Takže ľudia díky  moc :)

8 komentárov:

  1. neviem prečo ale tento posledný mi trochu tým pohľadom pripomína Cinkotu:))

  2. Lovely behind the scenes post! ;)

  3. Je super, že máš toľkých ľudí, ktorý ti v tomto pomôžu. Ja bohužiaľ nemám a nepoznám nikoho, kto by ma dobrovoľne fotil, takže mi neostáva nič iné, len fotiť kozmetiku :D

  4. Perfect red hair! *o*

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!

  5. It's so cute that you introduced us the "byfoxygreen" team!
    I'm following you on gfc, hope you'll follow back so we can keep in touch :)
    xx, Veni

    Style with Veni | Fashion Blog
