
Second Night

 In fact, it was the first night. The first night in Teplice with friends. To title I wrote the second one simple reason. Photos from this night you have to see once (HERE). Except if it were other photos, especially from another photographer. Andy took pictures of the previous ones and then I promised you a photo by Charlie. Well, these are those. So now you can compare: D

SK: V skutočnosti to bola prvá noc. Prvá noc v Tepliciach s kamošmi. Do nadpisu som napísala druhá z jednoduchého dôvodu. Fotky z tejto noci ste už mohli raz vidieť (TU). Ibaže vtedy toboli iné fotky a hlavne od iného fotografa. Tie predošlé fotila Andy a vtedy som vám sľúbila fotky aj od Charlieho. No a toto sú oni. Tak a teraz môžete porovnávať :D

hoodie, jeans: Levi´s / sneakers: Nike

Photo by Charlie, on photos are Andy & me :)

5 komentárov:

  1. Hey lady,
    thanks for visiting TLV Birdie Blog the other day, I appreciate your feedback a lot!

    Lighting is always great to experiment with, hope it brings you fun!
    Keep up the great job, and hope to see you back on TLV Birdie soon!

