
Nostalgic Afternoon over the Book

Thoughtfully sit over a cup of tea and a book. Just can browse, admire the beautiful works created by human hands. At rest let time run. At least for a moment to think of things that isn´t fast enough, or those for which I can´t sleep. Just enjoy the smell rising from a cup and beauty of human creativity. And then go with the peace in the soul to a place of real peace. Embed into memories and sail the waves of nostalgia. 

This weather is ideal for those nostalgic afternoon, so why not make you one. And speaking of nostalgia that doesn´t remind you this look 30´s ? To me yes. Andy said again, I'm like Mary Poppins at the funeral :D. So thus select. Anyway my latest creation is inspired by a book of photos (B. Vaniček), which I inherited from my great-grandfather painter. Whether shirt a success already see for yourself :)

SK: Zamyslene sedieť nad hrnčekom čaju a knihou. Len tak si listovať, obdivovať tie nádherné diela vytvorené ľudskou rukou. V pokoji nechať plynúť čas. Aspoň na chviľku nemyslieť na veci, ktoré nestíham, alebo na tie, ktoré mi nedajú spať. Len si vychutnať vôňu stúpajúcu z hrnčeka a krásu ľudskej tvorivosti. A potom zájsť s pokojom v duši na miesto ozajstného pokoja.Vnoriť sa do spomienok a plaviť sa vlnami nostalgie. 
Toto počasie je stvorené na takéto nostalgické popoludnia, tak prečo si jedno také neuroiť. A keď už sme pri tej nostalgii nepripomína vám tento look 30-te roky? Mne hej a Andy zasa zahlásila, že som ako Mary Poppins na pohrebe :D. Tak si teda vyberte. Mimochodom môj najnovší výtvor je inšpirovaný práve knihou z fotiek (B. Vaníček), ktorú som zdedila po svojom pradedkovi maliarovi. Či sa tričko vydarilo už posúdťe sami :)

hat, shoes: H&M / tee: Foxy Green / sweater: old / coat, skirt: secondhand 

Photo by Andy / styling, edit, git, tee by me:

15 komentárov:

  1. Lovely outfit. You look so pretty in these photos!

    xo Azu

  2. Gorgeous pics! really extraordinary and cool

    x Maria
    New outfit post up on my blog
    featuring MY NEW VINTAGE BOOTS

  3. Love ur look..especially with hat!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  4. inspiration <3 love your post:))

  5. I love this look. It is more than just a fashion statement, it is a moment or a feeling. Following you on GFC


  6. Lovely pics! Love the tee and your coat :)

  7. Jeeej krásne fotky :* Klobúky ti pristanú.

  8. Obrázky sa vydarili, sú úžasné, rovnako aj Ty! Veľmi Ti to na nich svedčí. :-)

  9. Beautiful pictures and I love your outfit!


  10. Krásné fotky, začínám tě sledovat přes GFC :) Pokud bys mě také sledovala, budu ráda .)

    Welcome!♥Reviews everywhere

  11. Hello Foxy,
    You look cute in this yellow shirt. Yellow is so pretty in fashion. It's nice that you are enjoying your cup of tea and a book. Taking time for the simple pleasure is so special. We would love for you to follow Red Rose Alley, and I would certainly come back and follow you as well. You have a lovely blog filled with simplicity and beauty. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
