
Fairytale in the mountains

EN:  Being the weekend with two fools with cameras in hand means having a lot of photos, so much work :D But I think it is very enjoying. These are pictures from Andy again. Teplice is a beautiful nature, mountains everywhere - and this wanted boots. But it is also a spa town full of nice dressed up old ladies :) - so and this in turn wanted, gentle dress. Of course, the combination of these two things have the ladies didn´t understand much, but that doesn´t matter. With two photographers to take pictures in the middle of the day and lots of people everywhere around me not pall. I felt a bit like a star: D

SK: Byť celý víkend s dvoma bláznami s foťákmi v rukách znamená mať veľa fotiek, takže veľa roboty :D Ale mňa to veľmi teší. Toto sú fotky znovu od Andy. V Tepliciach  je krásna príroda, všade hory - a to chcelo bagane. Ale je to aj kúpeľné mestečko plné naparádených starších dám :) - no a to zasa chcelo nežné šatičky. Samozrejme  spojenie týchto dvoch vecí už tie tety moc nechápali, ale na tom už nezáleží. Fotiť s dvomi fotografmi uprostred dňa a všade kopa ľudí ma asi neomrzí. Cítila som sa trochu ako nejaká hviezda :D 

hat, belt: H&M / dress: small shop in my town / hoodie: Levi´s / boots: Gregor

PS:  Photo by Charlie so soon (massage for Charlie: hey I need your photo!!! :D)

Photo by Andy, styling & edit by me:

4 komentáre:

  1. Andy takes some great photos! wait....the model is perfect, so...i like so much the combination dress-boots. and it seems to be your style! it fits you so well! by the way, these photos make me miss the mountains...

  2. Krásna, krásna, kde si húsky pásla? :)

  3. So lovely, this blog:)
    I was wondering, would you like to follow each other on GFC / FB?
    If yes, follow me and let me know! I'll follow back instantly:)

  4. nice outfit and pic;)
