
On the fallen tree

Sometimes more depending on how one feels, than how one looks. That doesn´t mean that comfortable clothes must look bad! 

Niekedy viac záleží na tom ako sa človek cíti, ako na tom ako vyzerá. To ale neznamená, že obliecť sa pohodlne musí vyzerať zle!

No makeup, comfort, only nature and silence. Outside were cooled and the wind blows cold. And I relishing this weather, because such weather most reminds me of dreams. Evokes the atmosphere like a man suddenly found himself in another world. As if blown away by the wind there. And I fully enjoy relishing this atmosphere. 
Now it's warm again and it's like waking up again. 

Žiadny make-up, pohodlie, len príroda a ticho. Vonku sa schladilo a fúka chladný vietor. A ja si vychutnávam toto počasie, pretože práve takéto počasie mi najviac pripomína sny. Navodzuje atmosféru akoby sa človek zrazu ocitol v inom svete. Akoby ho tam odvial vietor. A ja si tú atmosféru vychutnávam naplno.
Teraz už je znovu teplúčko a to je zasa ako prebudenie.

earrings, jeans: Foxy Green / sweater, tee: old / hoodie: boyfriend / boost: Gregor

Photo by Viktor, styling by me:

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