
Welcom to eden !??

A few days ago came to me my friend chat and a cup of coffee, you know it :) Again, I took out of the closet my army jacket and so created this (the second army post). I'm not a big fan of the army. I understand patriotism and defense against enemies and blah blah blah ... that's fine, but it would be better if it were not necessary. That is the reason why the Army doesn´t have my sympathy. In short, the army and the war doesn´t far apart, and war is one of the things that is unthinkable for me and for me represents unthinkable evil!
Anyway camouflage pattern is not so bad: D

Pred pár dňami ku mne prišla kamoška pokecať a na kávičku. poznáte to :) Zasa som zo skrine vytiahla moju army bundičku a tak vznikol tento (už druhý army post). Nie som nejaký veľký fanúšik armády. Chápem vlastenectvo a obrana pred nepriateľmi a bla bla bla... to je fajn, ale lepšie by bolo keby tá obrana nebola treba. To je aj dôvod prečo armáda nemá moje sympatie. Skrátka armáda a vojna nemá od seba ďaleko a vojna je jedna z vecí, ktorá je pre mňa nepredstaviteľná a predstavuje pre mňa nepredstaviteľné zlo!
Každopádne maskáčový vzor zase až taký zlý nieje :D

army jacket, sweater: Foxy Green / legins: N/A / jacket: Cubus / vest: gina tricot / boots: Gregor
Photo by Mili - thanx honey :)

gifs are a little bit inspired by the most famous American recruitment poster :)
And in the second case it may be a bit stronger coffee, but why not? :) Especially don´t take it personally: D
Gifká sú tak trošku inšpirované asi najznámejším náborovým americkým plagátom :)
A v druhom prípade je to možno trochu silnejšie kafé, ale tak prečo nie? :) Hlavne to neberte osobne :D

(and sorry for my bad english)

14 komentárov:

  1. Loving your camo jacket! Would love to add a similar one to my wardrobe :) Also, awesome backdrop in your photos!

    Please stop by my blog and check out my $50 Nordstrom Gift Card Giveaway if you get a moment!

    Xo, Amanda

  2. camo is definitely a big trend, and we love how the jacket looks on you!

  3. I like your jacket and your white jumper with studs on it :)
    If you'd like to follow each other (gfc, bloglovin), just let me know. xx


  4. ja mam tiež maskačovu bundu ale tu som si kupila už riadne davno tak ju môžem nosiť teda:)

  5. really cool!! great
    shall we follow?bloglovin/facebook etc.

  6. Totally true, nothing justifies a war, I think. But you look very beautiful wearing this jacket - I do like military style, but only for fashion! denisesplanet com

  7. Love the jacket and this casual look! F* war!!! XO

  8. Love your camo jacket <3!! I'm your newest follower on Bloglovin' :-).. Hope you can follow back!!


