
Happy Homeless :) part no.1

These photos you can see already on my old blog (bfashion). These are older pictures, but I wanted to take them with me on this blog. They are inspired by fashion homeless. Shot by Andy and working title for these photos is Happy Homeless :):

Tieto fotky ste mohli vidieť už na mojom starom blogu (bfashion). Sú to staršie fotky, ale chcela som si ich vziať zo sebou na tento blog. Sú inšpirované ,,módou,, bezdomovcov. Fotila Andy a pracovný názov týchto fotiek Happy Homeless :):

beanie: foxy green, t: remake by foxy green, jeans: N/A, gloves: gift, sunglass: Mania, sneakers: made in china

4 komentáre:

  1. I like so much these pics...very funny!
    I follow you on GFC, hope you would follow back!

  2. Old or not, they are very beautiful pictures, and I liked the inspiration and work behind them - really cool! I liked the beannie and I think you look beautiful! denisesplanet com

  3. To je super,haha:D:) Skvělý nápad.
